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L'Anse Creuse High School - North
Lauren Zalenski, who finished 2nd at regionals and is headed to the state tournament this weekend!
BigTeams Student Central Parents – Create Your Student Account Help Guide
More About BigTeams Student Central Parents – Create Your Student Account Help GuideLogin to your accountGo to https://studentcentral.bigteams.comFirst time logging in? Your school administrative staff may have already created your account with your preferred email address and a temporary password.NOTE: If account does not exist, contact your school athletic departmentAthletic FormsThis is your Pre-Participation page where students that are in the process of being cleared for athletics will show.Within Athletic Forms, filter to from All Athletics to the sport you coach to see all students that have done the following:Selected your sport as a sport of interestHave started at least ONE formTeam RostersTeam Rosters is designed to allow coaches to build, manage, and communicate with their teams throughout the school year.How to build a roster?...1. Click on the Preliminary Roster & Team Assignments page beneath the sport you coach. Consider this your try out roster, showing ONLY THE APPROVED STUDENTS2. Select the competition levels
More About Student Central Coach Getting Started Guide