LCN Girls Soccer Tryouts will be from Monday, March 13th thorough Wednesday, March 15th on the LCN Stadium Turf (outside) from 4-6pm. If weather conditions are not acceptable tryouts will be moved to The Sports Academy (inside turf) from 3-4:30pm (note the time difference). TSA is located at 30845 23 Mile Rd, New Baltimore, MI. 48047 (north side of 23 Mile Road, East of I-94).
Due to weather conditions during this time of year, a determination to move to TSA (if necessary) will be made the morning of (or evening before) each day of tryouts. This information will be sent out via the LCN Soccer REMIND text distribution list.
Be prepared (dress appropriately for the weather, in soccer gear, with plenty of water) to attend either outside or inside each day. Make sure you have travel arrangements if we have to move indoors at TSA. Please ensure that you have a completed physical, with the appropriate form turned in to the athletic office, before tryouts (you will not be able to participate without this).
Contact Coach Glen Ursaki (glenursaki@gmail.com or (586)-604-0926) with any questions.